In him was life and the Life was the light of men. He came that men might have life and have life more abundantly. He came to show the way to the Father and everything he did was what the Father does. Everything he said was what the Father says. Everything he gave was what the Father gives. The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. Even now the Light shines and illuminates the Way for all who would have eyes to see.
He told us that we could be sons and daughters. He called us his friends. He said there was a way to right the wrongs and be free from oppression. He gave hope to the hopeless, sight to the blind and spoke of release for the captive. He brought purpose to our suffering through His own and through His death; He purchased life for those who would believe in the power of His resurrection. Even now the Light shines to show the Way for all who would dare to take its narrow path.
He who was left alone promised that we would never be forsaken. The One who was rejected is welcoming us to the wedding feast. He who was not recognized proclaims that He sees all and for those who would desire it – to them even the things that are not seen will be made known. He who was rejected has His arms outstretched. The One who was betrayed offers undying loyalty – the One who was denied says, "I believe in you." The one who was hated cries, "I love you." Even now the Light shines to proclaim the Truth to all who would have ears to hear it.
Now He stands knocking at the door. If any one would open the door then He promises that He will come in and abide. The trembling hand of desire passes through the depth of my longing as I slowly turn the handle and open the door. The Light shines brighter now as I peer through quivering eyes with tears flowing down. My mind is clear and the mystery begins to unfold - bursting before me just as the dawn surprises the night sky with the first glints of daybreak. There He is in the midst of it. He is calling, "Do you love me? Come after me, follow after me, trust me. Do you love me?" Even now, the Light shines and illuminates the Way to Life for all who would have eyes to see.
So I reach out without hesitation and take hold of its long and splintered frame with all the weight and the shame. I dare not look away from the Light! I pick it up and begin to carry it up the hill as the crowd jeers and casts bets for my clothing, they offer me vinegar to drink and take punches at my face – they rip hair from my head and face. I dare not look away from the Light! I see Him running to me. He has a robe in His hand and He is calling for the fatted calf. He gently speaks words of peace to me that seem to drown out the mocking lies, "I have a place prepared for you at my Father's table."
I feel the stares, I burn in the heat, and the vultures swarm over my head like flies. My eyes begin to fade and with one last burst of energy I take a few more steps. I dare not look away from the Light! Then I see Him again but he too is naked. He is right beside me. This time my eyes are clear and I realize that He has been there with me all along. As I feel the nails pierce my hands - I dare not look away from the Light. The pain bows my back and my breath is taken from me but still I strain to see through the commotion that His hands are being nailed too. Then we were raised in unison against the afternoon sky to hang there in the midst of my hell. Even now, with knees buckling from sorrowful wounds, the Light shines in the darkness – my darkness – and the darkness does not overcome it.
As the life left my body I could feel His love flowing through my entire being. Time, matter and space were no more for the old had passed away and I could hear Him saying, "Behold, I make all things new."
Now the veil has been rent and the walls shattered within the temple of my heart. Now there is the promise of a resurrection into and beyond the mystery.
"Nearer, my God to thee, nearer to thee!
Even though it be a cross that raiseth me,
Still all my song shall be, nearer, my God, to thee;
Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee!
Though like the wanderer, the sun gone down,
Darkness be over me, my rest a stone;
Yet in my dreams I'd be nearer, my God, to thee;
Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee!
There let the way appear, steps unto heaven;
All that thou sendest me, in mercy given;
Angels to beckon me nearer, my God, to thee;
Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee!
Then with my waking thoughts bright with thy praise,
Out of my stony griefs Bethel I'll raise;
So by my woes to be nearer, my God, to thee;
Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee!
Or if, on joyful wing cleaving the sky,
Sun, moon, and stars forgot, upward I fly,
Still all my song shall be, nearer, my God, to thee;
Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee!"
-Sarah F. Adams, 1841
Note: I did not write this, but I was impacted so much by it that I felt the need to share it. The credit goes to Steve Downs.
Thanks for this Steve.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
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