Sunday, March 25, 2007

Where would Christ be?

Where would He be if He were living among us today? With whom would He spend His time? We know He was called a drunk and glutton and known to be seen with theives and whores. He was ridiculed for healing and not fasting on the Sabbath. He taught in "the church" but was most often a field preacher. I'm sure Christ went to pray and offer sacrifice growing up in Nazareth with godly parents, but as a young adult he was an awful "church memeber". The only times He was in "the church" he was whipping people or chastising them for their pride and blindness to the truth.

This information lends itself to answers many of us won't like hearing. Would Christ be called a drunk today? Would he be accused of being too liberal in His enjoyment of life? Would we find Him in the streets, at the bar or the coffee shop conversing with sinners? Would He miss church on Sunday in exchange for the opportunity to spend time with all those Sabbath-breakers? If He did come to one of our "services", what do you think He'd have to say? Would He congradulate us on being the biggest church in town or pat us on the back for all our neat "discipleship" classes?

Whatever our answers are we must act on what we discover here. With knowledge comes responsibility. To the extent we are given anything, to that same extent are we responsible, Christ says required, to act.

What are your thoughts?

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